Refund Policy

Last Updated: 15 January 2024

We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase from Cursr. Therefore Cursr offers free trial of all paid features, allowing you to test them before a purchase is made. If for any reason you are still not satisfied, we offer a refund policy as follows:

  1. Unused License 14-Day Money Back Guarantee - You have 14 days from the date of purchase to request a full refund without the need for any explanation if you have not used purchased licenses in-app or downloaded them for offline use.
  2. Refunds Beyond 14 Days or for Used Licenses - After the initial 14-day period or if license has been used in-app or downloaded manually from the site, refund requests will require an explanation. Each case will be reviewed individually to assess eligibility for a partial or full refund.
  3. Refund Processing Time - We strive to process all refund requests promptly. Refunds are typically processed within 5 working days from the date of request. If you haven't received a response within this time frame, please feel free to send a follow-up request.
  4. Fair Use Basis - Please note that refunds beyond initial 14 days and for used licenses are granted on a fair use basis and they may be subject to partial refunds or rejection, especially if requests are excessive or suspected to violate EULA or T&C.
  5. Refund Method - We can only issue a refund to the payment method used in the original purchase (within 5-10 working days from approval) or refund to your Cursr balance for future purchases (instantly after approval).

Initiating a Refund Request

To begin the refund process, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line 'Refund Request'.

Revisions to Refund Policy

All information provided is subject to change without notice. Bitgapp may, at any time, and at its sole discretion update the Refund Policy without any notice to the user. We’ll let user know by revising the 'Last Updated' date at the top of the Refund Policy that’s available on our website.

The Refund Policy revision available on our website on the date of purchase shall be applicable.

If you have an unresolved concern that we have not addressed satisfactorily, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]

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