How to Start Using Cursr?
User Interface

Cursr interface consists of the following elements:
- Drag button to move window around
- Setup enable/disable toggle and selection dropdown
- Button to hide the window back to tray
- Border/segment information and customization side panel
- Currently connected displays rendered in same layout that can be found in your OS displays settings
- Toolbox left to right: KVM setup sync, KVM connect/disconnect, Zoom to all (displays), Settings, User account/Sign-in and Help
The empty space around devices is 'canvas', you can click and drag empty space to move around all displays as well as zoom in and out. If you loose sight of display 'Zoom to all' can be used to reset pan and zoom.
If you click and drag individual displays it will change their position visually, allowing you to align them in a way that represents the layout in real life (especially when using KVM), but will not affect how mouse moves between the displays.
Borders, Segments and How to Link Them

Border is also called a 'segment', in free tier you can only have one segment per border, but with Pro you can split it into smaller segments. Displays have 3 types of border segments identified by the following colors:
- White (Unpaired)- the segment is not linked to anything and mouse cannot move past this section
- Grey (Unpaired, Native link)- the segment is not linked by Cursr, but this is where displays are joined by OS. Mouse movement past this section is enabled by your OS
- Colored (Linked) - this segment is linked to another segment by Cursr, both paired segments share the same color. By default Cursr will assign unique colors, but with Pro this color can be changed to your liking
By default Cursr does not override any mouse movements until you create 'links' between border segments to allow Cursr to map mouse position between those border sections which in turn allows to move mouse between displays as if they were borderless:
- Click on unpaired segment to select it
- Click on any other highlighted and unpaired segment to pair them. You can't pair segments of same position (ex 2 bottom segments) as mapping mouse position between them would be meaningless
- To unpair click one of the paired segments again
Border Segment Splitting (Pro)
Pro version allows for more customized setups by allowing to split the borders into any amount of smaller segments. To do so hover mouse over either end of the border segment until you see resize cursor and start dragging:
- Dragging from the corner of display will split it into 2 and resize both segment
- Dragging from edge that is connected to another segment will resize both segments
- If 'Ctrl' key is down when dragging starts, a new segment will be created in direction of the drag and it will be resized alongside neighboring segment
- Resizing any segment to less than 1px when dragging will remove the segment. Initially you will be shown a prompt asking to confirm the action. If in prompt you choose "Don't show again" app will remember your selection and will apply it in future
For pixel perfect sizing you can use Segments Panel controls.
Setup Management
Setups can be managed and switched at any time in the dropdown menu on top left corner. Any changes made in rendered layout are instantly saved to currently selected setup. To manually change setup or create new one you'll need to open dropdown by clicking on current setups' name. Dropdown contains setups grouped by setup compatibility with current layout:
- Compatible - Setup can be applied to current layout without any changes to the setup
- Partially Compatible - Setup can be applied, but in order to do so displays have to be added/removed from it to match currently loaded layout
- Incompatible - Setup cannot be applied because not enough of overlap has been found between configuration in setup and currently loaded layout
In the same dropdown you can choose to edit the setup to change it's name, order (lower number = higher priority for auto-selection) or delete it.
Setups are enabled by default, but if need be you can disable them at any time by clicking toggle button next to the dropdown, using keyboard shortcuts (configurable in Key Shortcut settings) or by utilizing auto-disable feature which will cause Cursr to auto-disable transitions when listed process in General settings is focused and auto-enable when process loses focus.
Segment Panel
- Display selection dropdown
- Display offset used for visual purposes only, resetting them will return all displays to original position - displays connected to same device will reflect original display layout set in OS settings creating a display subset belonging to a device. Where multiple devices are connected with KVM, display subsets will be rendered left to right
- Segment selection dropdown
- Segment size management allowing to set pixel perfect segment position for Pro users, but cannot reduce currently selected segment to less than 1px. However segment size can be increased causing it to fully overlap nearby segment and remove it
- Link management settings allowing to link segments by selecting from dropdown in case segment is too small to select by mouse click, or remove the segment by clicking on 'x' that appear on dropdown hover. Pro users can also customize the color of the link and all users can choose to invert the direction in which mouse coordinates are mapped between the two segments
- Automatically picking up on existing license for current device if one is available
- Quickly generate license based on availability of unused subscription and/or perpetual licenses
- Auto-updating license when your subscription is renewed
- Providing you with a reminder when your perpetual license can be extended and auto-updating when it is extended
- Click on 'Sign-in' button in-app. This will redirect you to account section in cursr website, if you were not authenticated you will need to do so and return to tab opened by Cursr
- When authenticated the same button as in no. 1 will now open in-app settings account section
- When you update your subscription or perpetual licenses in the website you can either reload the app or use 'Refresh' the button to update information displayed in-app
- Before committing to purchasing a license you can try using Pro Trial for 5min, this has a 5min cooldown before you can try again, alternatively you can reload the application to start the trial again
- To create a license through website you'll need to use this Machine ID which can be copied by clicking on it. This can change if you update your hardware in which case you'll need to revoke your current license and create new one
- Select downloaded license from your file system
- When unlicensed and authenticated if you have remaining unused licenses, you'll see option to 'Active Pro', in case of both perpetual and subscription being available you'll be prompted to choose one. This will generate and apply a license for current device. If license for this device already existed it will get picked up instead of creating new license
- Same behavior as no. 4
- Refresh license can sometimes resolve license status issues as it will request latest data from Cursr server, alternatively you can reload the app
- When license is applied you will see it's status and other details in settings
- Use 'clear' to remove license from device but avoid revoking it
- You can revoke licenses with limit of perpetual 1 in 6months and subscription 1 per week. This can be used to transfer license to another device or to update license in case due to hardware changes the Machine ID has changed causing current license to become invalid. If you purchased the license you'll be able to create new one in place of the revoked license, however if license was issued to you by Cursr admin you'll need to request a new license to be issued. If you need to revoke more licenses than allowed by default you'll need to contact customer support with explanation of why you need it
- Load another downloaded license from your file system
Software KVM - Displays
If you have multiple devices on same local network and want to create separate 'groups' of connected devices, for example someone on the same network is also using Cursr KVM, you can both use different Discovery ports so that only your selected devices with same port will connect without interrupting other persons KVM configuration.
Each device will be assigned a color which will change the background of main Cursr window and the color of displays that belong to the device in order to allow you to easily identify displays that belong to that device.
Disabling setup - when a setup is disabled transitions between devices will not be possible however other KVM features will still work allowing you to interact with the devices.
Any keyboard and mouse can be used/switched between, but not simultaneously for now. You'll need to wait 2sec since last key press/mouse move in order to switch keyboard or mouse. When mouse is switched it will pick up where the previous one left off, just like when you would use touchpad and a mouse on single device.
In case you lose track of the mouse or if it's stuck somewhere you can use 'panic' trigger by holding (can be changed to 'tap' in settings) 'Esc' key for 3sec to reset mouse position to device which 'Esc' key was used or for 5sec to further disconnect the KVM and disable setups which will help to regain control both of mouse and keyboard in case of an issue.
Free Software KVM vs Paid Pro
When free tier is connected to a device with Pro license, you will still be able to use other Pro features like segment splitting on the licensed device, however if more than 2 devices are connected to free tier the connection will be terminated and you'll need to either add license to free version or choose which Cursr instances to 'hide' from network in settings to make sure not more than 2 devices get connected.
There is no hard limit on how many devices can be connected with KVM as long as all devices are licensed to use Pro version.
- Open settings window
- Available settings groups are:
General - settings for managing app state, updates, licensing, theme, transition behavior and debugging
Key Shortcuts - add, remove and modify keyboard shortcuts for Cursr actions
Virtual Switch - KVM discoverability, connectivity and behavior management
License - Licensing management
Account - Authentication management
About - App version, release notes and option to manually check for updates - Quit the application, can also achieve this by right clicking the tray/taskbar icon and clicking on 'Quit'